Tire….So Very, Very Tire……Yes That’s What I Said.

Last week I had a blowout on my drive to work, well not exactly a blow “out” because my tire sensor went off as I was about four miles from work.  On a busy interstate and with hoards of bad New Mexico drivers whizzing past me at speeds that were clearly over the limit.  IContinue reading “Tire….So Very, Very Tire……Yes That’s What I Said.”

Another Visit to DC, Suckered into Leadership and Different New Fridge

It’s been a year since I last visited Washington on our annual trip to go and lobby, ahem visit with our state reps and report on the progress of our federally funded program.  This year was no different than last years visit, we did a ton of walking and my Apple watch said I walkedContinue reading “Another Visit to DC, Suckered into Leadership and Different New Fridge”

Is It Me???  Nah I Don’t Think So…..

New Mexico, The Land of Enchantment.  Come on Vacation and Leave on Probation There was an “incident” at my office last week and it proves that if you commit a crime in Texas, you’re going to pay.  Especially if you commit a crime like assault with a deadly weapon.  But here in New Mexico, youContinue reading “Is It Me???  Nah I Don’t Think So…..”

Plant Killing, DIY Home Repairing, Grey Disaster Huntress

The Brown Thumb Club I’ve learned a lot of things over the years, to paint a wall and be meticulous at it and not getting paint on the trim or other places.  To install a ceiling fan without having to ask anyone for help, to give my car a minor tune up and this year,Continue reading “Plant Killing, DIY Home Repairing, Grey Disaster Huntress”

Resolution to Quit Resolutions

Well, here we are, 2024 finally got here in spite of everything happening in 2023.  Not that anything’s changed much, but we are in a new year and I’m still holding out hope that this year will be better than the last.  Things That Bother The Huntress Speaking in the third person is one, soContinue reading “Resolution to Quit Resolutions”

Well, What A Fine Mess DAD!!!

I’m going to cut to the chase here and just start to explain the situation that my mom and I have found ourselves in.  I don’t include my brother because he’s an asshole and doesn’t contribute anything positive to any situation and because he thinks he’s smart (but he’s not, he never even graduated highContinue reading “Well, What A Fine Mess DAD!!!”

Can We Talk…..Or Just Rant….Again?

My blog post this time around will be short, somewhat sweet and to the point.  I’m busy as hell at work, we have been scheduled to have the higher up’s at NASA pay us an in person visit in July.  And we’ve been working non stop to clear up any fuck ups the previous administrationContinue reading “Can We Talk…..Or Just Rant….Again?”

Good Intentions Will Always Bite You In The Ass

It’s been about nine months since I started my not so new job, and about that long since my OBGYN told me I’d hit menopause.  I’ve been trying to deal with both as graciously as I possibly can but I’m not going to lie, dealing with the physical and emotional rollercoaster that is menopause alongContinue reading “Good Intentions Will Always Bite You In The Ass”

What’s Happening This Week In My World

Things There Is No Explanation For…. I’m not a vocally political person, I think that my opinion should be mine and mine alone.  I believe in supporting whatever candidate you or I believe will do the best job in office.  I don’t look for politically charged arguments because I know that when you try toContinue reading “What’s Happening This Week In My World”

My DC Trip Continued, New Connections and Horrendous Flights Home

I thought the Keith Richards meme was hilarious, and now that I’ve got your attention……on with the show. On day three of my trip I had to attend a program conference for our NASA funded program.  That day was full of networking, playing hide and seek with my boss (again) and keeping track of whatContinue reading “My DC Trip Continued, New Connections and Horrendous Flights Home”

My Trip, Networking and Wrangling A 4-Year Old

Well I’m back from my trip to Washington D.C and I’m tired AF.  There is a significant time difference and if the burn out I already feel isn’t enough, fighting jet lag is only adding to the fatigue.  United Airlines Can Suck It Delays are a part of life, but when it comes to flightsContinue reading “My Trip, Networking and Wrangling A 4-Year Old”

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