The Big Chill….Better Late Than Never

This post I thought I’d do something different, review a movie that’s been out for the better part of 31 years.  Yeah, like I said, better late than never, so off we go.

For some reason, this movie never caught my eye as a kid and that’s probably why when I went to go see it with older cousins of mine back in 1983, I was bored.  Seriously as a 14-year-old I would have rather gone to see Mr. Mom or The Outsiders.  How I was convinced to go watch this movie with two of my older cousins and their girlfriends I’ll never know.  Maybe my uncles decided that being a chaperone for them was a job a 14-year-old could handle.  But I don’t remember much about the film after that.  Anyway, it was recommended to me on Amazon Prime.  I put it on my watch list and then last Saturday I watched it, in full movie mode.  Popcorn, soft drink (which I wasn’t suppose to have since I’m trying to eat clean) and my pickle for my popcorn.  Don’t judge, it’s great you should try it, it’s a Texas thing, read about it here.

Cast of Characters:

Tom Berenger as Sam Weber

Glenn Close as Dr. Sarah Cooper

Jeff Goldblum as Michael Gold

William Hurt as Nick Carlton

Kevin Kline as Harold Cooper

Mary Kay Place as Meg Jones

Meg Tilly as Chloe

JoBeth Williams as Karen Bowens

Kevin Costner as Alex Marshall (the unseen dead friend)

Anyway, as I got cool and comfy on my couch the film began, with a very young Glenn Close and Kevin Klein, as Klein’s character Harold was taking his young son a bath.  Then the phone rings and you see Glenn Close’ character Sarah turn to her husband Harold and she’s crying.  Then the entro to the film begins, with Marvin Gaye’s spectacular version of Heard It Through The Grape Vine playing over a scene where a mortician is preparing someone for a funeral.  I have to say this, this is the best movie Kevin Costner was never in because the only part you see of his character (Alex) is his forehead, his hair being brushed and his wrists with stitches being covered by his white dress shirt, because he killed himself.  As a 14-year-old kid I didn’t get the gist of the film, as I mentioned before I was bored.  But as an adult I felt I was watching this film with fresh eyes and taking in a lot of each character’s idiosyncrasies.  Which consisted of a group of friends from The University of Michigan (GO BLUE!) who come together for the funeral of their friend Alex, who committed suicide and who apparently was a scientific genius that turned down a Rutledge Fellowship.  Apparently then went on to do a string of mediocre jobs after that.  He happened to also be living with his much younger girlfriend Chloe (Meg Tilly) and was in the process of renovating an old home on some land he had purchased.  Chloe’s character got on my fucking nerves right away as she’s so disconnected from what actually happened it’s so annoying. 

Speaking of annoying characters, Jeff Goldblum’s character, Michael comes off as a slimy, sleazy writer from New York, who is hitting on Chloe ON the day of Alex’s funeral.  Although the rest of the group sees this and in random conversation, they say it’s “not right” but they don’t tell him anything or try and stop him. 

Chloe doesn’t seem to interested in him no matter how hard he’s trying.  This movie is also a reminder of how carefree the 80’s were, with the smoking (both cigarettes and pot), drinking and snorting of cocaine as is shown through the film.  As the movie progresses you see how broken each character is.  Karen (JoBeth Williams) is in an unhappy marriage to a cold, unaffectionate husband.  Sam (Tom Berenger) is a successful tv star who has his own series, somewhat of a Magnum P.I character, getting a divorce and is estranged from his young daughter.  And somehow seems infatuated with Karen.  Then there is Nick (William Hurt) who is an alleged drug dealer but once was a phycology major in college, served in Vietnam, was hurt and is now impotent and is the most cynical of the group. 

Sarah and Harold seem to be the happiest of the until it’s revealed by Harold to Nick during an early morning run (with Kevin Klein in some awkwardly short shorts) that Sarah had a brief affair with Alex, about five years prior.  But all seems to be forgotten as they are very loving and understanding with each other.

There is Meg (Mary Kay Place) who is a successful lawyer that has decided to have a child on her own.  And she’s made it known to Sarah that she’s going to ask the men (except Harold because he’s married and Nick because he’s….unable) in this group of friends to see if they’ll be willing to “stud” her child.  It’s later revealed that Michael (Jeff Goldblum) and Meg once had a one-night stand back in the day.  It’s also implied that she may have actually gotten pregnant but had an abortion.  This conversation is with Sarah and she says “Don’t remind me, it was the right thing at the time.” Sarah askes her “Harold isn’t good enough for you?” To which Meg replies “Are you kidding, I’d love it, but I couldn’t ask that of you.  Besides Harold already has enough kids.”  Long story short, a great movie with a twist ending regarding Meg and he baby daddy as well as the group of friends reconciling old wounds.

Watching it as an adult was so much more interesting than when I first watched it.  I related to some of the characters, sympathized with others and some just got on my fucking nerves. What I loved most about this film is the soundtrack, it’s AWESOME!! Marvin Gaye, The Band, The Temptations, The Miracles and a song I hadn’t heard in ages, Whiter Shade of Pale by Procol Harum. Yes, yes I love me some Metallica, Megadeath, Rolling Stones, Def Leppard, Heart etc., but I have an old soul.

Until next time……this is the Huntress, saying…” Don’t be a Moth Around a Dim Yellow Bulb, Be a Moth to a Flame, Make it worth the Burn!”

Published by thehuntress915

My life has been a lot like the movie Bridget Jones Diary (the Hispanic version) constant comedic struggles and life lessons learned by way of personal experience. I've survived divorce and online dating debacles, so tag along for the ride and lets laugh together.

10 thoughts on “The Big Chill….Better Late Than Never

  1. We didn’t realize how we were being groomed by those 80s movies to believe that most adults were cheating and doing drugs , smoking and drinking heavily . No wonder so many of us followed the model . Once you notice it, you can’t miss it. The movie grooming practice continues today.


  2. I always viewed The Big Chill as my parents kind of movie. I don’t think I’ve ever watched the whole thing through. I might have to do that now, in full movie mode of course, sans the pickle even if I am a Texan. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have never seen that movie and from what you’ve mentioned about the characters, I probably won’t try and watch it. Lol. Meg Tilly drives me bonkers. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me! I do love Jeff Goldblum and Kevin Costner but the others will keep me from seeing it, sad to say. I love full on movie mode but like you said, I have never heard of a pickle being part of that and I followed your link to learn more! Whodathunkit?! I like chocolate with my popcorn. Mmmmm….

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I think I tried to watch it when it first came out and absolutely hated it because it just seemed so cliche and unrealistic, so I never finished it. Maybe I’d feel differently now? But I’m glad you found some good things about it! And definitely pickle with the popcorn–I love dill pickle with anything!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You should rewatch, just saying. Pickles and popcorn are delish. Except, now in Texas there is a trend where people are drinking Dr. Pepper (don’t know if y’all have DP in Canada) and adding pickles. I haven’t tried it and I don’t think I want to 🤮.

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